A barometer is an instrument that measures air pressure and is often used to help forecast weather changes.

Description: Description: Description: http://pad2.whstatic.com/images/thumb/7/79/Set-a-Barometer-Step-4.jpg/670px-Set-a-Barometer-Step-4.jpg

Thursday, January 8, 2015







Always be sure to have a fiction free-reading novel with you each day 




Mrs. Peterson’s Assignment Board

Mrs. Ellis’ Assignment Board

Mrs. Kattell’s Assignment Board

Ms. Schuelke’s Assignment Board

Mrs. Meyer’s Assignment Board





Reading discussion








Written Language




Editing sentences



The Great Underground Railroad Tour Podcast --


Present, present participle, past, past participle quiz today














Prepare for a spelling quiz over these 15 words on Friday These words should now be copied into your writing Journal including a sentence containing context clues about each word’s definition.

Use this link to listen to the testDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Speaker_Icon_gray.svg/120px-Speaker_Icon_gray.svg.png




Social Studies






Hero journal entry




Download this text to PDF Notes: The Effects of the Fur Trade on Native Cultures




Daily Practice





Resources for Daily Geography:

Political Map of North America

Political Map of South America

Political Map of Europe

Political map of the United States

Political map of the World


CIA World Factbook


Geography Week 14

Analogies Week 14


Geography and analogies Day 5 is due when you enter class tomorrow morning.









Mrs. Peterson’s Assignment Board

Mrs. Ellis’ Assignment Board

Mrs. Kattell’s Assignment Board

Ms. Schuelke’s Assignment Board

Mrs. Meyer’s Assignment Board



Connecting Math Concepts lesson 74 (Bixby)


Worksheet 74








Ship design experiment number 2

Re-designing the Santa Maria

Our Data from this Year



Announcements from the main office:



  • Girl Scouts lunch program starts up again Tuesday, January 27th.


Informational Sheets available in the holder on the brick wall

·         Fencing in Missoula

·         Bible Club

·         Girl Scouts




C=completed in class; H=finish as homework if not complete; D=didn’t get to – will hold till later; P=have proof reading checked by parent and signed.