
Shipwright’s Journal of Design

Expected capabilities: What capabilities does the vessel need to have?  Examples: Move fast, carry a lot of cargo, move safely through shallow water? (Pick 2 and describe them in complete sentences)



 Design goals: What MEASURABLE goals do you have for your design? (cargo capacity, speed, draft) How will you measure them?  Describe the experiment you will do to test your ship in detail.  You need to do two tests.  Be sure to describe how you will MEASURE the results.







 Idea Space:

On a page in your science journal, record all of the ideas that you come up with no matter how far-fetched. Write descriptions, draw diagrams, or paste in pictures and materials. Just get your ideas recorded.

 Ship’s Plans:

Choose the best ideas and describe your ship’s design. Tell about all of the parts and what material each part is made of.  Another person should be able to build a similar ship to yours using your diagrams and description.




 Tell why you chose the sail size and shape that you did.  Be sure to mention the things you learned in the sail experiment we did in class.


 Tell why you chose the hull shape that you did. Be sure to mention the things you learned in the hull shape experiments we did in class.


 Sea trials:

Draw neat tables to record your data  You should have two sets of data for you two experiments.




 Did the design meet your goals? Tell why or why not. (Write a good conclusion. See examples from previous experiments if you need help.)




Ship Design Rules

•Ships are to be constructed of reused materials only. Only items that have served some other purpose may be used in the construction of the ships.

•Ship model kits or floating toys are not allowed.

•No money may be spent on materials for the ship’s construction other than for tape or glue.

•No items such as toys may be disassembled to obtain parts for the ship’s construction.

•No part of the ship may be wider than 9 cm

•No part of the ship may be longer than 20 cm