Monday, November 14, 2011



Description: Description: C:\Documents and Settings\kpeterson\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\0JAXMH8Z\MC900436367[1].pngHappy Belated Birthday to Morgan!







Social Studies

Online Text

Exploration Web quest

Social Studies Standards

Olweus Meeting

SCS- 1,2




Online Text


Math Standards

Comparison Situations 5-9

Mixed Practice with Like Fractions 5-10





Literacy Block


Main and Helping Verbs








Spelling and Vocabulary Words





Reading Standards

Literature Standards 


Fact and Opinion Page 208

Listen to Jane Goodall’s 10 Ways to

Save Wildlife

Chimps Page 209



Online Text

Science Standards

Constellations Myths Video

Start building constellations


SCS- 3



Daily Practice

Workplace Competencies


Daily Oral Geography # 10

Daily Geography Map

Daily Oral Analogy #10









Notes For Home

Please look at the planner everyday and initial at the bottom. This is an important tool for communicating with your child about their education.



Assignments that are checked off with a checkmark indicate the assignment is completed. Assignments that are crossed off indicate the assignment is in the mailbox. Circled assignments indicate the assignment is for homework. The letter P indicates the assignment needs to be proofread.